Paktapanh Village

July 2010 | Salavanh Province


Baan Paktapanh Village is a lowland Lao village along the Mekong river that inspired the founding of the Jai Lao Foundation. In July 2010, Jai Lao completed the building of Baan Paktapanh's large one room preschool, complete with two bathrooms, to compliment their existing elementary and middle schools. The projected costed $8,600 USD The preschool allows parents who farm for a living to work in the fields during the day and allows older siblings to attend school instead of caring for their younger siblings, as so many would otherwise do. Jai Lao also provided dental and personal hygiene kits to the 210 families of the village, school supply kits to all village students and ceiling fans and sports equipment to the village middle school. 

In March 2017, Jai Lao Board Members and Donors returned to visit the village to paint the preschool and donate educational supplies to the students and teachers.  
