Attapeu Flood Relief
Thank you all for your continuous support in contributing to Attapeu Flood Relief Efforts.
Since the onset of this tragic event, Jai Lao has raised and received over $226,000. Our donations to date would not have been realized without your contributions and your individual fundraising events throughout the United States and Canada. We are truly humbled and extremely grateful to everyone who has shared in our vision and believed in our mission of Jai Lao.
July 2018 in Attapeu Province
A hydroelectric dam in the Attapeu Province broke, spilling 5 billion cubic meters of water. Hundreds of people are missing and close to 7,000 more have lost their homes after a dam collapsed causing flash flooding across many villages. Jai Lao Founder Soutkita Reagan is mobilizing a team of volunteers from the United States and Laos to provide direct relief to the families affected. We will be working personally with the village chiefs and hand-delivering much needed supplies such as: blankets, mosquito nets, food, water, livestock, plants, and money to help rebuild their lives. Any donation amount will help greatly because 100% of your contribution will impact as many families as we can possibly help.
Jai Lao has pledged to help in three phases…
Phase 1
In Phase 1, Jai Lao focused on immediate relief for the affected communities through care package distribution. By being on-site during the disaster’s first week, we were able to determine a plan for long-term aid.
Phase 2
In Phase 2, Jai Lao donated over 2,000 care packages, cash donations, hospital supplies and personal medical aid. This was only made possible by the outpouring of love and support by volunteers and supporters around the world.
Phase 3
There is still work to be done. Jai Lao is dedicated to providing ongoing aid as the victims of the flood rebuild. Portions of donations will continue to go towards the affected communities so that they are not alone in their endeavors.