Special Needs Children
Vientiane’s Center for the Blind
Even if children can't see they can feel everything that sadness, anger, hurt, joy, and fear just like everyone else. In fact, they can see much more with their hearts and other senses. Jai Lao visits children at the Blind Center near Vientiane quite often. We have seen the beautiful and precious children grow up over the years and appreciate the their singing performances for us. Even though they live near in the city area, they still lack the basic essentials to live a clean and healthy in their dorms. Over the years, we have brought new mattresses, bedding, mosquito nets, hygiene kits, toiletries, and clothes for them. Having the opportunity to feed and eat with them is unforgettable. One of the most memorable visits for the children would probably be when the contestants from Miss Laos visited. They expressed such excitement and happiness at getting to hold hands with the young ladies. As human beings, we all crave connection with one another and to feel loved and cared for.
Click here to view more photos of Miss Laos feeding the children at the Blind Center.
No child, whether they can see or not, should ever have to live in an unclean environment that can affect their health. Volunteers in Laos helped clean the children's dormitories and we provided new mattresses and bedding and hope they will sleep tighter and have sweeter dreams.
Deaf and Mute Center
Vientiane and Luang Prabang
The look in their faces with the most warm and loving smiles and grateful eyes is enough to melt anyone's heart. Living in a world without sound didn't dampen the amazing spirits of these sweet children at the Deaf and Mute Center in Vientiane and Luang Prabang. Being in the city, the Center receives visitors often but it's still never enough. We provided them with the most basic of need as requested by the Director of the Center. Imagine just asking for a wash bucket with toiletries and new dishes for the kids?
April 26, 2018: Donations included bikes, gardening tools, and dinner totalling $1,271. Dinner itself cost $141 to feed 67 kids. It only takes about $1.85 to feed one person.
School for the Special
LUang Prabang
If you’re ever in Luang Prabang, please try to make it to visit the children at the School for the Special and it will be the most rewarding part of your trip. The 61 children between the ages of 7-21 who are deaf and mute are the most beautiful, sweet, loving, and thankful children who will steal your hearts with one hand gesture and smile. Jai Lao had the wonderful opportunity to provide dinner for the children and donate essentials they needed. We gave them large buckets which they’ll use to wash laundry in, was filled with detergents, soaps, utensil and dish sets, nail clippers, and candies. The joy in their hands and hearts warms the cores of our souls.
Some facts about the children and center:
Most are Hmong and Khmu
Only four are from Luang Prabang
Come from poorer provinces and a few see their family once a year.
Most never see their families and are considered orphans
Each child’s spending allotted by the government is $24/month given to the school/dormitory to cover costs of their living (food, clothes, personal necessities)
Some of the girls weave scarfs to earn money
Guys learn wood working and obtain jobs in this field
School started by Italians ten years ago and Lao government built dormitory five years ago
Locals and visitors occasionally provide meals helping offset the small stipend for their care.